
Because I like lists, here are some lists of weather-related websites I use frequently, arranged by subject. (This page is under construction)

Air Quality

I use the websites from several state governments to look at air quality across the western United States. Those links can be found here.


Included in the Analysis list are resources providing atmospheric soundings (weather balloon data) as well as maps.


I’m not the first, nor the last person interested in the weather to have a blog. This list has a few of the blogs I follow.

Current Conditions

Many of the other lists link to pages that display various current conditions, but this list has websites that don’t really fit in the other categories.


This list is kind of short, so it will be on this page and not a separate one.

Government Agencies

Provided here is a list of government agencies, both in the United States and around the globe, I look at for weather information.

Historical Data

No self-respecting weather enthusiast can get away with not having a few sites to look at for historical data. Here’s a list of the ones I use.


  • Blitzortung is a global grassroots network of lightning detectors providing free access to their data. They provide widespread coverage of much of the world, including hundreds of miles out into the ocean.


When you want to dive deeper into seeing what to expect, you want to look at weather models such as these.

Road Conditions

Traffic cameras and other road data can be valuable to those wanting to see conditions in other areas. Here’s a list of states and provinces whose websites I frequent.


Even though I live in the Great Basin, I still like to keep tabs on severe weather going on around the country. These are some of the resources I use.

Space Weather

From northern lights to ham radio propagation, this list will help you dive into space conditions surrounding our planet.


If you’re interested in weather, you’re probably interested in hurricanes. Here are some links for that.


Water levels and temperatures vary for a variety of reasons. Here are some links to analyze that.


I’m no fan of snow, but it seems like pretty much everyone else who is into weather is. Here are those links.