The following is a review of the weather conditions recorded at the Tri-Cities Airport in Pasco, Washington. This station is an automated station that is maintained by the National Weather Service. These data are considered preliminary.
Record high (all-time): 95, set in 1910 and 1925
Record low (all-time): 18, set in 1935 and 1936
Average high (30-year): 67.4
Average low (30-year): 38.5
Highest maximum temperature: 88, on April 27
Average high (last month): 66.7
Lowest maximum temperature: 55, on April 3
Highest minimum temperature: 51, on April 14
Average low (last month): 40.4
Lowest minimum temperature: 28, on April 3
Number of days with highs above 80: 3
Number of days with highs below 60: 7
Number of days with lows above 50: 1
Number of days with lows below 32: 4
Number of daily record high temperatures set: 0
Number of daily record low temperatures set: 0
Daily record (all-time): 1.09 inches, in 1936
Monthly average (30-year): 0.65 inches
Monthly total: 1.35 inches
Rainiest day: 0.37 inches, on April 7
Number of rain days (including trace): 13
Number of days with measurable rain: 9
Number of days with rainfall at or above 0.10″: 6
Number of days with rainfall at or above 0.25″: 2
Number of daily record rainfall amounts set: 0
Highest wind gust: 53 mph, on April 27
Number of days with wind gusts above 30 mph: 9
Number of days with wind gusts above 40 mph: 4
Number of days with wind gusts above 50 mph: 1
Maximum sea-level pressure: 30.40 inHg (1029.5 mb)
Minimum sea-level pressure: 29.42 inHg (996.3 mb)
This information was gathered from the websites of the National Weather Service and WeatherUnderground. The featured image is from the National Weather Service.