The following is a review of the weather conditions recorded at my personal weather station in Boardman, Oregon. Data recording began the morning of April 4, so there is nothing available for the 1st through the 3rd. Wind data was not accurate until the end of the month, so it is not included. These data are unofficial.
Highest maximum temperature: 84.9, on April 27
Average high (last month): 68.5
Lowest maximum temperature: 57.4, on April 5
Highest minimum temperature: 48.4, on April 14
Average low (last month): 42.8
Lowest minimum temperature: 33.6, on April 22 and 23
Number of days with highs above 80: 3
Number of days with highs below 60: 4
Number of days with lows below 35: 2
Monthly total: 1.18 inches
Rainiest day: 0.42 inches, on April 15
Number of rain days (including trace): 10
Number of days with measurable rain: 7
Number of days with rainfall at or above 0.10″: 4
Number of days with rainfall at or above 0.25″: 3