Ingalls Weather, along with this site’s associated Facebook page Tri-Cities Weather, has partnered with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration through their Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ program. We are excited about this partnership and look forward to working with the NOAA and the National Weather Service to help prepare our community for environmental (especially weather) hazards.
WeatherTogether has already joined the Weather-Ready Nation™ program (mostly working with NWS Seattle). I decided to partner my site and page with the program as a separate entity to be able to work closely with the National Weather Service office in Pendleton to specifically help our community become more resilient in a way that is independent of WeatherTogether’s work toward the project as a whole.
What is the Weather-Ready Nation™ program?
The NOAA started the program to encourage individuals and communities to prepare for natural hazards. This goes beyond the big ones that instantly come to our mind, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. to include severe droughts, floods, damaging snowfall, wildfires, and other hazards that have the potential to change lives – even in the Mid-Columbia.
I’m sure the NOAA would love for other organizations to become Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors™. More info on that is available at this link.
What will Tri-Cities Weather do toward the program?

Tri-Cities Weather looks forward to working with NOAA offices in the Mid-Columbia, especially the National Weather Service office in Pendleton, to help people who live and work within our coverage area be better prepared for severe and extreme weather. Joining this program is consistent with Tri-Cities Weather’s mission to provide weather information without hype to help our community members make informed decisions.
Applicable posts to this site will be filed under a specific Weather-Ready Nation™ page to allow visitors easier access to information that could help them prepare for natural hazards. Furthermore, we already share applicable posts from time to time to our Facebook page from local government and non-government organizations.
Tri-Cities Weather hopes to work with the National Weather Service to provide support to existing programs in any way we can, including through means of volunteer work and advertising. When we are working with the National Weather Service, we will promptly provide a write up to explain what we’re doing and how it will help our community prepare for extreme weather.
We are excited about this new opportunity and look forward to helping create a Weather-Ready Nation™!
Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ and the Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ logo are trademarks of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, used with permission.